I'm a new Member so wanted to say 'hi'. I live in the U.K, was born in, fell away as an unbaptised publisher, got baptised in my 30s for reasons I'm retrospectively unsure of, and lost my faith about five years ago around the time of the original A.R.C. Now, being unable to leave is making me physically, emotionally and mentally ill.
I'm not strong enough to DA and live with the family consequences, and despite having several good friends outside the faith, none of them could support me in an active way as such. But I've got to the stage where I can't face going to the meetings anymore.
I have read loads of posts on this and other J.W forums from people who have to pretend they're still in although they're awake, so want advice on how you cope with meetings and occasional ministry without it driving you crazy like it's started to do to me?
Fading's not an option at the moment so I want to be able to cope with the two weekly meetings and maybe 2 hours of door knocking per week maximum, but be able to stop my doubts and disgust dominating every waking thought the rest of the time, so I can relax and forget about it between meetings.